
Wycliffe College

Toronto, ON

Located in Toronto, ON and set in an urban environment, Wycliffe College is a private graduate school. This school uses a semester-based calendar. To find out more about what Wycliffe College has to offer to its students, read on for the latest data reported by this school.

Quick Facts


Total Number of Graduate Students


Student to Faculty Ratio

Student Body

Choosing a school that is the best fit for you is not a simple task. Knowing more about the student population can help you get a better understanding of the school's culture and life.

Main Student Body

The total number of students at this school is 226, according to the information reported in 2004.

Student Population Gender Ratio

In 2004, the student population consisted of 139 male and 87 female students.

Browse Programs

Not sure which options are available? Browse the list of favored programs sorted by degree type and start exploring programs list provided by Peterson’s data. Check out the full list of programs on the official website of the university.



Student to Faculty Ratio

The student-to-faculty or student-to-professor ratio is the number of students compared to the number of professors at a school.

According to the latest information, the total number of faculty members at this school is 9. 8 male and 1 female faculty members were active at this school in 2004.

Student Population Diversity Graph



Wycliffe College is located in Toronto, ON.

Contact Information

Wycliffe College,

5 Hoskin Avenue

Toronto, ON

M5S 1H7

416 946-3535

School Website

Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2022 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.

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