
Regis College

Toronto, ON

Located in Toronto, ON and set in an urban environment, Regis College is a private graduate school. This school uses a semester-based calendar. Explore this school's profile to find out all the important things about Regis College.

Quick Facts


Total Number of Graduate Students


Student to Faculty Ratio

Student Body

It is always challenging to figure out which school is best for you. Obtaining a better insight into a school's student body helps you learn more about its culture and life.

Main Student Body

The total number of students at this school is 216, according to the information reported in 2010.

Student Population Gender Ratio

In 2010, the student population consisted of 108 male and 108 female students.



Student to Faculty Ratio

The student-to-faculty or student-to-professor ratio represents the number of students compared to the number of professors at a school.

According to the latest information, the total number of faculty members at this school is 13. There were 10 male and 3 female teachers at this school in 2010.

Student Population Diversity Graph



Regis College is located in Toronto, ON.

Contact Information

Regis College,

100 Wellesley Street West

Toronto, ON

M5S 2Z5

416 922-5474

School Website

Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2022 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.

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