
Coastal Carolina University

Conway, SC

The graduate school at Coastal Carolina University (CCU) offers a wide range of rigorous and innovative programs to help students excel in their fields of study. With a commitment to providing a personalized and engaging learning experience, CCU's graduate school prepares students for successful careers by facilitating both academic and professional growth.

CCU's graduate school provides various programs in multiple disciplines, including humanities and fine arts, natural and applied sciences, education, business, and more. Students can choose from a variety of master's degrees, educational specialist degrees, and certificate programs to suit their interests and career goals. The graduate school also offers opportunities for interdisciplinary study, allowing students to explore diverse areas of knowledge and develop a broad skill set that enhances their professional prospects.

At CCU, students benefit from exceptional faculty who are experts in their respective fields and highly dedicated to their students' success. The graduate school fosters a supportive and collaborative learning environment, where students have access to cutting-edge resources and research facilities. Additionally, CCU's location in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, offers unique opportunities for students to engage in hands-on experiences and internships in various industries, such as tourism, healthcare, and environmental science. With its student-centered approach and vibrant learning community, the graduate school at Coastal Carolina University provides an exciting and enriching environment for students to thrive academically and professionally.

Coastal Carolina University is a public university located in Conway, SC and set in a suburban environment. This school follows a semester-based calendar. To find out more about what Coastal Carolina University has to offer to its students, read on for the latest data reported by this school.

Quick Facts


Total Number of Graduate Students


Student to Faculty Ratio

Student Body

It is always challenging to figure out which school is best for you. You can better comprehend the culture and life of the school by finding out more about the student body.

Main Student Body

The total number of students at this school is 563, according to the information reported in 2022.

Student Population Gender Ratio

174 male and 317 female students attend this school, according to the data from 2022. The fact that the number of female students exceeds the number of male students illustrates the commitment to gender equality at this institution.


The financial aspect is one of the most important things to consider before applying to any college or university. Here are some details you should know about the cost of attendance for Coastal Carolina University.


Room and Board cost

Tuition and Fees

Here are some facts that can be useful if you were curious about Coastal Carolina University estimated tuition fees.

For local residents, public county and municipal institutions reported that tuition costs were $10,764. For students who don't live in the state in which the university is located, the tuition was $20,628 in 2022. For the students coming from abroad, tuition at this school was $20,628, as well. Full-time students in 2022 were mandated to pay additional fees in the amount of $90.

Tuition Fees Total
Out-of-State $20,628 $90 $20,718
In-State $10,764 $90 $10,854


Before you apply to a college or university, you should, among other things, think about the price of a dorm room and cafeteria meals. What do colleges and universities typically charge for room and board?

In 2022, room and board cost at Coastal Carolina University amounted to $9,960 a year. The cost of a dorm room only at this school in 2022 added up to $5,660 for one academic year.

Browse Programs

Not sure which options are available? Browse the list of favored programs sorted by degree type and start exploring programs list provided by Peterson’s data. Check out the full list of programs on the official website of the university.



Student to Faculty Ratio

Knowing more about a school's faculty can help you gauge the caliber of the education it can provide to you.

According to the latest information, the total number of faculty members at this school is 78. There were 48 male and 30 female teachers at this school in 2022.

Student Population Diversity Graph



Coastal Carolina University is located in Conway, SC.

Contact Information

Coastal Carolina University,

PO Box 261954

Conway, SC


843 347-3161

School Website

Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2022 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.

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