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University of Hawaii at Hilo
Hilo, HI
The University of Hawaii at Hilo, located on the Big Island of Hawaii, is a public university that offers a diverse range of academic programs. With a focus on environmental conservation, sustainable agriculture, indigenous language and culture preservation, and tropical medicine, UH Hilo provides a unique education experience. The university prides itself on its small class sizes, allowing for more personal attention from professors and fostering a tight-knit community among students.
At UH Hilo, students have access to a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as natural sciences, social sciences, business, education, and arts and humanities. The university prioritizes experiential learning, providing students with numerous research opportunities and internships. The campus is known for its beautiful scenery, surrounded by lush rainforests and stunning beaches, creating a peaceful and inspiring environment for academic and personal growth.
In addition to academics, UH Hilo offers a vibrant campus life with various clubs, organizations, and sports teams. Students can engage in cultural activities, community service, and leadership development programs. The university also encourages students to explore the unique Hawaiian culture and traditions, facilitating their understanding and appreciation of the local community. With its commitment to academic excellence, community engagement, and environmental stewardship, the University of Hawaii at Hilo provides students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for successful careers and meaningful contributions to society.
Located in Hilo, HI, University of Hawaii at Hilo is a public university. This educational institution operates on a semester-based calendar. It has an acceptance rate of 71%. The freshman retention rate at University of Hawaii at Hilo is 66.1%.
The freshmen application deadline for this school is July 1. For transfer students, the application deadline is July 1.
Explore this school's profile to find out all the important things about University of Hawaii at Hilo.
Quick Facts
Total Number of Undergraduate Students
Acceptance Rate
You need to find out as much as you can about the entrance requirements of the institution in order to maximize your chances of being accepted. Read on to learn some relevant data about admission at University of Hawaii at Hilo.
According to the most recent information reported, this institution uses standardized test scores for admission and it admitted 1,195 in 2022. Looking at entrance difficulty level for all or most incoming freshmen, based on data self-reported by the institution this school is moderately difficult to get into.
Test Scores
Out of the number of those who submitted test scores, the percentage of first-time, first-year degree-seeking students who submitted SAT scores was 79% and ACT scores 60.2%. The latest reported average GPA of the enrolled students was 3.36. That means you'll most likely need an above-average GPA to get accepted.
Be sure to apply to this school by July 1. If you are thinking about applying as a transfer student, the application deadline is July 1.
Acceptance Rate
Retention Rate
The freshman retention rate is the percentage of college or university newcomers who return for their sophomore year. Why is that metric important? Because it tells you if the majority of freshmen enjoyed their first year at a school enough to come back.
The freshman retention rate for University of Hawaii at Hilo was 66.1% in 2022.
Student Body
It is always challenging to figure out which school is best for you. Obtaining a better insight into a school's student body helps you learn more about its culture and life.
Main Student Body
The total number of students enrolled at University of Hawaii at Hilo in 2022 was 3,924.
That year, the institution had 27.6% of students coming from another state. 618 students were admitted as transfer students.
Student Population Gender Ratio
The student body is coeducational, with 1,300 male and 1,859 female full-time students in 2022, which speaks volumes for gender equality at this institution. 173 full-time graduate men and 260 full-time graduate women attended this school.
Before you submit an application to any college or university, you should take into account the financial component. The most recent data reported regarding the expenses for attending this school are detailed below.
Tuition and Fees
If you were wondering how much the tuition cost for University of Hawaii at Hilo is, here are some recent data that will come in handy.
If you are an area resident, your tuition was $7,344. For students who don't live in the state in which the university is located, the tuition was $20,304 in 2022. For the students coming from abroad, tuition at this school was $20,304, as well. Full-time students in 2022 had to pay additional fees in the amount of $494.
Tuition | Fees | Total | |
Out-of-State | $20,304 | $494 | $20,798 |
In-State | $7,344 | $494 | $7,838 |
Books and Supplies
Another important financial factor to consider is the estimated cost of books and supplies for a college or university. Most students have to allocate about $1,360 for books and supplies during their time at University of Hawaii at Hilo.
Before you apply to a college or university, you should, among other things, think about the price of a dorm room and cafeteria meals. What is the typical amount colleges and universities charge for lodging and meals?
In 2022, the price of room and board at University of Hawaii at Hilo was $11,586 per academic year. The cost of a dorm room only at this school in 2022 came to $3,544 for one academic year.
Tuition | $ 7,344 |
Room and Board | $ 11,586 |
Book and Supplies | $ 1,360 |
Total Expense | $ 20,290 |
Financial Aid
Financial help for students comes in different forms: grants, loans, scholarships, or work-study programs. If you are interested in finding out more about need-based and non-need-based aid at University of Hawaii at Hilo, here are some recent data you should consider.
Need-based aid is financial aid that a student can receive if they are determened to have financial need and meet other eligibility criteria.
Need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid at University of Hawaii at Hilo is available to international students.
Campus Life
Not everything at University of Hawaii at Hilo is about learning and grades: campus life is an essential part of your educational experience. Check out some details about campus life at University of Hawaii at Hilo.
Its campus spans 115 acres.
Student Organizations
Student organizations are run by students of an institution, and its membership typically consists only of current students and/or alumni.
According to recently gathered data, there are 60 open-membership organizations at University of Hawaii at Hilo. This number includes sororities and fraternities. The student organization that is most favored by students is Samoan Club, followed by University Canoe Club and Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity. Other popular organizations among the students at University of Hawaii at Hilo are Hawaiian Leadership and Development and International Student Association.
For students with a talent for acting, there is a drama club. Interested in media and communication? University of Hawaii at Hilo publishes its own newspaper and has its own radio station.
Student Services
University of Hawaii at Hilo provides a number of services important for a comfortable and secure life on campus.
24/7 emergency phone and alarm devices are available. The dormitory entrances are electronically operated. There is a security patrol that operates 24 hours a day. There is a medical clinic with personal/psychological counseling. In addition, other services like Veteran's Affairs and Women's Center are available to the students of University of Hawaii at Hilo.
All in all, campus life at University of Hawaii at Hilo is rich and vibrant and provides all you need for a comfortable stay.
Career Services
Having career services at a college or university can mean a great deal for your career planning, so find out what you can expect at University of Hawaii at Hilo.
Career Counselling
At University of Hawaii at Hilo, there is both group career counseling for all students and individual career counseling for all students. There are a library, a job bank, and job fairs. Job interviews are also available to students through the career center. The school has campus employer recruitment for all the students. Individual job placement is available to all students at this school.
University of Hawaii at Hilo is located in Hilo, HI.
University of Hawaii at Hilo offers need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid to international students.
This school uses standardized test scores for admission.
The most recent data indicate that the acceptance rate for University of Hawaii at Hilo is 71%.
The most recent data indicate that the freshman retention rate for University of Hawaii at Hilo is 66.1%.
Contact Information
University of Hawaii at Hilo,
200 West Kawili Street
Hilo, HI
808 932-7446
Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.
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Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.