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University of Bridgeport
Bridgeport, CT
The University of Bridgeport is a private university located in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Established in 1927, the university offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree programs across various fields of study. With a diverse and inclusive student body, the University of Bridgeport strives to provide a supportive and engaging educational environment for its students.
The university is known for its strong emphasis on experiential learning and practical application of knowledge. It offers various internship and cooperative education opportunities, enabling students to gain real-world experience and prepare for their future careers. Additionally, the university's small class sizes allow for personalized attention and interaction between students and faculty members.
The University of Bridgeport is home to several notable academic programs, including those in engineering, business, health sciences, and arts and sciences. The university's state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge research labs contribute to its strong reputation in these fields. Moreover, the university's vibrant campus life offers numerous student organizations, clubs, and cultural events, fostering a sense of community and providing students with opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Located in Bridgeport, CT and set in an urban environment, University of Bridgeport is a private university. This school follows a semester-based calendar. The freshman retention rate at University of Bridgeport is 71%.
Discover more about what you can expect if you get into University of Bridgeport.
Quick Facts
Total Number of Undergraduate Students
If you know as much as possible about the institution's criteria for admission, you can make a better judgment about your eligibility and boost your chances of getting accepted. Check out some important facts about admission at University of Bridgeport.
According to the newest data, this institution uses standardized test scores for admission. University of Bridgeport has an official test-optional admission policy but takes into consideration standardized test scores in cases when they are submitted by the student.
Test Scores
90% of first-time, first-year degree-seeking students submitted their SAT scores for admission, and 13% submitted ACT scores, out of the overall number of those who submitted test scores. The percent of first-year students who submitted ACT Composite scores in the range between 30-36 was 2, 24 between 24-29, 59 in the range between 18-23, and 15 between 12-17.
The average ACT score for all the accepted students in 2022 was 20 and the average GPA was 3.04. That means that you need a GPA that's above average in order to get into University of Bridgeport; the same goes for your ACT score.
The SAT Critical Reading average score was 485 for the newly enrolled students, while the average SAT Math score was 470.
Retention Rate
The student retention rate is the percentage of students who re-enroll from one year to the next. This piece of data is important as it can reveal to the prospective students how many freshmen liked the school enough to return to it as sophomores.
The freshman retention rate for University of Bridgeport was 71% in 2022, demonstrating the exceptional quality of the educational experience at this institution.
Student Body
Making the decision of which school is the optimal match for you is not easy. You can better understand the culture and life of the school by getting to know more about the student body.
Main Student Body
The total number of students enrolled at University of Bridgeport in 2022 was 2,338.
That year, the institution had 32% of students coming from another state. The school reported to have a total of 304 transfer students.
Student Population Gender Ratio
The student body is coeducational, with 624 male and 1,244 female full-time students in 2022.
Before you send an application to any college or university, you should take into account the financial component. Here are some details you should know about the cost of attendance for University of Bridgeport.
Tuition and Fees
If you were wondering how much the tuition cost for University of Bridgeport is, here are some recent data that will come in handy.
In 2022, tuition amounted to $32,860 for all full-time domestic students. As University of Bridgeport is a private institution, there is no difference in tuition for out-of-state or international students. Fees per academic year required of full-time students summed up to $1,330 in 2022.
Before you apply to a college or university, you should, among other things, think about the price of a dorm room and cafeteria meals. How much do room and board fees average around at schools?
At University of Bridgeport, the 2022 annual cost of room and board (on campus) was $16,350.
Tuition | $ 32,860 |
Room and Board | $ 16,350 |
Total Expense | $ 49,210 |
Financial Aid
Financial help for students comes in different forms: grants, loans, scholarships, or work-study programs. If you wish to find out more about need-based and non-need-based aid at University of Bridgeport, here are some recent data you should take into consideration.
According to the most recent data, 483 freshmen were awarded financial aid. Students of this school received an average of $28,677 in financial help.
Need-based aid is financial aid that a student can receive if they are determened to have financial need and meet other eligibility criteria.
There were 1,656 students who secured need-based financial aid of any kind. The total number of students (including freshmen) who were determined to have financial need amounted to 1,886. The amount of federal need-based scholarships/grants awarded to the students at this institution came to $6,553,526, and state $677,581. The students of University of Bridgeport received the -institutional need-based aid in the amount of $35,381,934, and external in the amount of $386,599.
Average Amount of Aid Received
Non-Need Based
Any financial aid given to a student who does not meet the requirements for need-based aid is considered non-need-based aid. Most students get non-need-based financial aid as Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Graduate PLUS Loans, Parent PLUS Loans, and the TEACH Grant.
1,886 students, including freshmen, were awarded institutional non-need-based scholarship or grant aid at this institution in 2022. 483 full-time freshmen were awarded institutional non-need-based scholarship or grant aid. The total amount of non-need-based institutional scholarships/grants was $3,064,000. This includes endowment, alumni, other institutional awards, and also external funds awarded by the institution, but doesn't include athletic aid and tuition waivers.
Open Applications
Find open programs by choosing your preferred academic interest from the list below, and select your desired term start. Get started with your application process and find more information using the Apply button.
The Common Application for Transfer (Common App for transfer)
University of Bridgeport - Nursing (Fall)
University of Bridgeport - Nursing (Fall)
ApplyStart Year: 2025
Start Term: Fall
Application Deadline: 2025-07-29
University of Bridgeport - Dental Hygiene (Fall)
University of Bridgeport - Dental Hygiene (Fall)
ApplyStart Year: 2025
Start Term: Fall
Application Deadline: 2025-07-29
Undergraduate Transfer - Fall 2025
Undergraduate Transfer - Fall 2025
ApplyStart Year: 2025
Start Term: Fall
Application Deadline: 2025-07-29
Campus Life
It is not all about learning and grades at University of Bridgeport: campus life is a crucial component of your educational experience. Find out some information about social life at University of Bridgeport.
It has a campus size of 86 acres.
Student Organizations
Being a member of a student organization will make you connect better with your fellow students and enjoy your college years more.
According to recently gathered data, there are 60 open-membership organizations at University of Bridgeport. This number includes sororities and fraternities. At this school, 1% of male students are members of social organizations, while that percentage is 2 for female students. The student organization that attracts the greatest number of students is Martial Arts Club, followed by Latin America Club and Black Students Alliance. Other popular organizations among the students at University of Bridgeport are International Relations Club and Student Congress.
For individuals with an interest in media and communication, University of Bridgeport publishes its own newspaper.
Student Services
At University of Bridgeport, there are many amenities that make life on campus pleasant and safe.
There are phone and alarm devices that can be accessed 24/7 for emergency situations. The dormitory entrances are electronically operated. There is a security patrol that operates around the clock. The after-hours transportation/escort service is available.
There is a medical clinic with personal/psychological counseling. In addition, other services like Veteran's Affairs are available to the students of University of Bridgeport.
All in all, campus life at University of Bridgeport is rich and vibrant and provides all you need for a comfortable stay.
Career Services
Having career services at a college or university can mean a great deal for your career planning, so find out what you can expect at University of Bridgeport.
Career Counselling
At University of Bridgeport, there is both group career counseling for all students and individual career counseling for all students. There are a library, a job bank, and job fairs. Job interviews are also available to students through the career center. The career center offers resume preparation and resume referral to employers. The school has campus employer recruitment for all the students. This school offers alumni networking opportunities, which could be highly beneficial for your future career. Individual job placement is available to all students at this school.
University of Bridgeport is located in Bridgeport, CT.
According to the latest information, the tuition for University of Bridgeport is 32,860 USD a year.
This school uses standardized test scores for admission.
The most recent data indicate that the freshman retention rate for University of Bridgeport is 71%.
Contact Information
Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.
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Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.