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Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina Campus
Carolina, PR
Universidad Ana G. MΘndez-Carolina (UAGM-Carolina), also known as Ana G. MΘndez University, is a higher education institution located in Carolina, Puerto Rico. Established in 1949, it is part of the four-campus system of the Ana G. MΘndez University System, which is the largest private university system in Puerto Rico. UAGM-Carolina offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs spanning various fields, including business administration, criminal justice, psychology, education, nursing, and more.
At UAGM-Carolina, the university's mission is to provide inclusive, quality, and flexible education to individuals seeking to enhance their knowledge and professional skills. With a student-centered approach, the university aims to promote personal growth, social responsibility, and cultural diversity among its students. The institution places a strong emphasis on practical and experiential learning, often incorporating internships, research opportunities, and community service initiatives into its curriculum.
UAGM-Carolina is committed to supporting its students throughout their academic journey. The university boasts a team of experienced faculty members who are dedicated to delivering engaging and dynamic instruction, as well as providing mentorship and guidance to students. Additionally, UAGM-Carolina offers a variety of support services, including tutoring, academic counseling, and career services, to help students succeed both inside and outside the classroom. Overall, the Universidad Ana G. MΘndez-Carolina strives to be a premier institution of higher education in Puerto Rico, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their chosen professions.
Located in Carolina, PR, Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina is a private comprehensive higher education institution. This educational institution operates on a semester-based calendar. It has an acceptance rate of 43%. The freshman retention rate at Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina is 77%.
Find out more about what you can expect if you get into Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina.
Quick Facts
Total Number of Undergraduate Students
Acceptance Rate
If you find out as much as possible about the school's criteria for admission, your chances of getting accepted will significantly increase. Here are the most vital facts you have to know about admission at Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina.
According to the most recent information reported, this institution uses standardized test scores for admission and it admitted 4,691 in 2023. As far as admission difficulty is considered, based on data self-reported by the institution this school is relatively noncompetitive.
Test Scores
The latest reported average GPA of the enrolled students was 2.81.
Retention Rate
The freshman retention rate is the percentage of college or university first-year students who return for their sophomore year. Why is that information important? Because it tells you if the majority of freshmen enjoyed their first year at a school enough to come back.
As reported in 2023, the freshman retention rate for Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina was 77%, a clear indication of the excellence and value of the educational experience at this school.
Student Body
It is never easy to figure out which school is the right fit for you. You can have a better understanding of the school's culture and way of life by finding out more about the student body.
Main Student Body
The overall number of students enrolled at Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina in 2023 was 6,574.
The number of transfer students at this school was 248.
Student Population Gender Ratio
The student body is coeducational, with 1,604 male and 2,846 female full-time students in 2023, which is indicative of the importance this institution places on gender equality. There were 156 full-time graduate male and 520 full-time graduate female students at this school.
Financial planning for school is one of the most important things to consider before you apply. The most recent data reported regarding the expenses for attending this school are detailed below.
Tuition and Fees
Wondering about tuition at Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina? Here is what you need to know.
In 2023, tuition amounted to $4,560 for all full-time domestic students. As Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina is a private institution, tuition is the same for all the accepted students. Full-time students in 2023 were required to pay additional fees in the amount of $900.
Books and Supplies
When you try to estimate the cost of attendance for a college or university, you need to take into account the cost of books and supplies you're going to need. Most students have to give about $1,600 for books and supplies during their time at Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina.
Tuition | $ 4,560 |
Book and Supplies | $ 1,600 |
Total Expense | $ 6,160 |
Financial Aid
Obtaining some financial aid in forms of grants, loans, scholarships or work-study programs can be crucial for finishing your studies. Check out some recent data to get the information about need-based and non-need-based monetary aid available at Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina.
According to the most recent data, 702 freshmen were awarded financial aid.
If you need help with paying for your studies and you meet other eligibility requirements, you may be eligible for need-based aid.
Need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid at Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina isn't available to international students.
Campus Life
Not everything at Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina is about learning and grades: campus life is an essential part of your educational experience. Check out some info about students' life at Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina.
Student Services
At Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina, there are many amenities that make life on campus comfortable and safe.
There are emergency phone and alarm devices available around the clock. There is a security patrol that operates 24 hours a day. All in all, campus life at Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina is rich and vibrant and provides everything most students need.
Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina is located in Carolina, PR.
Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina doesn't offer need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid to international students.
The overall full-time tuition per academic year for Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina is 4,560 USD, based on the most recent data.
This school uses standardized test scores for admission.
The most recent reported acceptance rate for Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina is 43%.
The most recent data indicate that the freshman retention rate for Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina is 77%.
Contact Information
Universidad Ana G. Mendez-Carolina Campus,
PO Box 2010
Carolina, PR
787 257-7373
Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.
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Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.