
Richard Bland College

Petersburg, VA

Richard Bland College of William & Mary is a public institution located in Petersburg, Virginia. Established in 1960, the college serves as the only branch campus of the highly esteemed College of William & Mary, making it an integral part of Virginia's prestigious education system. Richard Bland College offers a two-year liberal arts curriculum that helps students build a strong academic foundation and transition smoothly into four-year degree programs at other institutions. With a focus on small class sizes and personalized attention, the college provides a supportive environment that nurtures intellectual growth and fosters student success.

The academic programs at Richard Bland College cover a wide range of disciplines, including arts and humanities, social sciences, business, science, and mathematics. Students have the opportunity to explore their interests and discover their areas of passion before transferring to top universities for their bachelor's degree. Faculty members are experienced in their respective fields and are dedicated to helping students achieve their academic goals. The institution also offers various resources and support services, including tutoring, mentoring, and academic counseling, to ensure students receive the assistance they need to excel academically.

Beyond academics, Richard Bland College offers a vibrant campus life that encourages personal development and community engagement. The college hosts numerous clubs, organizations, and extracurricular activities that cater to diverse interests, such as student government, honor societies, athletic teams, and cultural groups. These opportunities provide students with chances to develop leadership skills, pursue their passions, and build lasting relationships. Additionally, the college offers a range of sports facilities, wellness programs, and recreational activities to promote a healthy and balanced student lifestyle.

Overall, Richard Bland College of William & Mary provides a unique educational experience, combining the prestigious reputation of the College of William & Mary with the intimate and supportive atmosphere of a community college. With its rigorous academic programs, dedicated faculty, and dynamic campus life, the institution prepares students for success in their future educational and professional endeavors.

Located in Petersburg, VA and set in a rural environment, Richard Bland College of William & Mary is a public two-year college with graduate programs. This institution follows a semester-based calendar. It has an acceptance rate of 88%. The freshman retention rate at Richard Bland College of William & Mary is 59%.

For freshmen, the application deadline for this school is August 30. To find out more about what Richard Bland College of William & Mary has to offer to its students, read on for the latest data reported by this school.

Quick Facts


Total Number of Undergraduate Students


Acceptance Rate


You need to learn as much as you can about the entrance requirements of the institution in order to maximize your chances of being accepted. Read on to find out some vital information about admission at Richard Bland College of William & Mary.

According to the most recent information reported, this school uses standardized test scores for admission and it admitted 797 in 2021. Looking at entrance difficulty level for all or most incoming freshmen, based on data self-reported by the institution this school is relatively easy to get into.

Test Scores

The latest reported average GPA of the enrolled students was 2.63.

Average Test Scores


Be sure to apply to this school by August 30.


Acceptance Rate

Retention Rate

The freshman retention rate is the percentage of college or university first-year students who return for their sophomore year. Why is that information important? Because it tells you if the majority of freshmen enjoyed their first year at a school enough to come back.

The freshman retention rate for Richard Bland College of William & Mary was 59% in 2021.

Student Body

Making the choice of which school is the right fit for you is not simple. You can get a better insight into a school's culture and life by learning more about its student body.

Main Student Body

The overall number of students enrolled at Richard Bland College of William & Mary in 2021 was 1,634.

The school reported an out-of-state student body portion of 1% for that year. 98 students enrolled as transfer students.

Student Population Gender Ratio

The student body is coeducational, with 398 male and 640 female full-time students in 2021, which is indicative of the importance this institution places on gender equality.


The financial aspect is one of the most important things to consider before applying to any college or university. Here are some data on the expenses that most students at this school have.

Tuition and Fees

If you were wondering how much the tuition cost for Richard Bland College of William & Mary is, here are some recent data that will come in handy.

According to the reports from public county and municipal institutions, tuition fees were $6,030 for area residents. For students who don't live in the state in which the university is located, the tuition was $11,580 in 2021. If you are an international student at Richard Bland College of William & Mary, you should know that the 2021 tuition amounted to $19,740. Full-time students in 2021 were obliged to pay additional fees in the amount of $2,160.

Tuition Fees Total
Out-of-State $11,580 $2,160 $13,740
In-State $6,030 $2,160 $8,190

Books and Supplies

When you try to estimate the cost of attendance for a college or university, you need to consider the cost of books and supplies you're going to need. Most students have to give about $1,200 for books and supplies during their time at Richard Bland College of William & Mary.


Besides tuition, another cost to consider is the price of housing in the dorms and eating at the school cafeteria. What do schools typically charge for accommodation and meals?

At Richard Bland College of William & Mary, the 2021 annual cost of room and board (on campus) was $10,039.

Tuition $ 6,030
Room and Board $ 10,039
Book and Supplies $ 1,200
Total Expense $ 17,269

Financial Aid

Be it a grant, loan, scholarship, or work-study program, any type of financial support can be a great deal for many students. If you want to find out more about need-based and non-need-based aid at Richard Bland College of William & Mary, here are some recent data you should take into consideration.


Need-based financial aid is exactly what it sounds like — it’s awarded based on the determined financial need.

Need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid at Richard Bland College of William & Mary is available to international students.

Campus Life

Knowing what to expect out of campus life at a college or university can set you up for success. Check out some info about social life at Richard Bland College of William & Mary.

Its campus spans 750 acres.

Student Organizations

Being a member of a student organization will make you connect better with your fellow students and enjoy your college years more.

There are 20 student organizations and groups with open membership at this school. The student organization that gathers the largest number of students is Biology Club, followed by Spanish Club and Student Government. Other popular organizations at Richard Bland College of William & Mary are Student Ambassadors and RBC Newspaper.

For students with a talent for acting, there is a drama club. You have a passion for media and communication? Richard Bland College of William & Mary publishes its own newspaper.

Student Services

At Richard Bland College of William & Mary, there are many amenities that make life on campus pleasant and safe.

There are phone and alarm devices that can be accessed 24/7 for emergency situations. There are electronically operated dormitory entrances. There is a security patrol that operates 24 hours a day. All in all, campus life at Richard Bland College of William & Mary is rich and vibrant and provides everything most students need.


Richard Bland College of William & Mary is located in Petersburg, VA.

Richard Bland College of William & Mary offers need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid to international students.

This school uses standardized test scores for admission.

The most recent reported acceptance rate for Richard Bland College of William & Mary is 88%.

According to the latest information, the freshman retention rate for Richard Bland College of William & Mary is 59%.

Contact Information

Richard Bland College,

8311 Halifax Road

Petersburg, VA


804 862-6100

School Website

Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.

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