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Ohio Christian University
Circleville, OH
Ohio Christian University is a private Christian university located in Circleville, Ohio. It was founded in 1948 and has since emerged as a leading institution providing quality education with a Christian worldview. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs, ensuring students have the opportunity to pursue their passions while deepening their faith.
At Ohio Christian University, students experience a supportive and inclusive community. The campus not only equips students academically but also encourages personal and spiritual growth. Faculty members are committed to helping students thrive intellectually, spiritually, and professionally. The university's core values, including love, excellence, and servanthood, are woven into every aspect of campus life, creating an environment that fosters personal development and prepares students to make a positive impact in their chosen fields.
Ohio Christian University also offers various extracurricular activities and opportunities for students to get involved. From athletic programs to student organizations and community service initiatives, there are numerous ways for students to connect with peers, develop leadership skills, and contribute to society. Additionally, the university provides students with various resources, such as career services, academic support, and counseling, ensuring their success both during their time on campus and beyond. Overall, Ohio Christian University is dedicated to providing a holistic education that combines academic excellence with a strong Christian foundation.
Located in Circleville, OH, Ohio Christian University is a private comprehensive higher education institution. This educational institution operates on a semester-based calendar. The freshman retention rate at Ohio Christian University is 61% and the six-year graduation rate is 49%.
Find out more about what you can expect if you get into Ohio Christian University.
Quick Facts
Total Number of Undergraduate Students
Student to Faculty Ratio
Graduation Rate
If you know as much as possible about the institution's criteria for admission, you can make a better judgment about your eligibility and boost your chances of getting accepted. What are the admission requirements for Ohio Christian University?
According to the most recent data, this school uses standardized test scores for admission. Ohio Christian University has an official test-optional admission policy but considers standardized test scores in cases when they are submitted by the applicant. Looking at entrance difficulty level for all or most incoming freshmen, based on data self-reported by the institution this school is relatively easy to get into.
Retention Rate
The percentage of new students at a college or university who stay on for their second year is known as the freshman retention rate. This piece of data is important as it can reveal to the prospective students how many freshmen liked the school enough to return to it as sophomores.
The freshman retention rate for Ohio Christian University was 61% in 2023.
Another important metric to consider is the graduation rate. This rate indicates how many students finish their degrees within a certain timeframe. The six-year graduation rate at this school is 49%.
Student Body
Making the decision of which school is the right match for you is not simple. You can better comprehend the culture and life of the school by learning more about the student body.
Main Student Body
The overall number of students enrolled at Ohio Christian University in 2023 was 1,600.
That year, the institution had 24% of out-of-state students. 79 students were admitted as transfer students.
Student Population Gender Ratio
The student body is coeducational, with 361 male and 430 female full-time students in 2023. There were 66 full-time graduate male and 57 full-time graduate female students at this school.
Student Population Diversity
In order to promote a sense of inclusion and belonging among its students, higher education is dedicated to increasing student diversity. Diversity promotes critical thinking, challenges preconceived notions, and encourages intellectual growth, so it helps students develop empathy and a broader understanding of the world. Find out more about different ethnic groups you can meet at Ohio Christian University.
This school had 16 Asian students and 256 Afro-American students in 2023. 48 undergraduate students at this school identified as Hispanic/Latino and 38 identified with more than one race. There were also 448 students whose ethnicity is unknown.
Financial planning for school is one of the most important things to think about before you apply. Here are some important information on Ohio Christian University costs that most students encounter at this school.
Tuition and Fees
Here are some facts that can be useful if you were curious about Ohio Christian University estimated tuition price.
In 2023, tuition amounted to $22,350 for all full-time domestic students. Ohio Christian University is a private institution, so tuition is the same for all the accepted students. Full-time students in 2023 had to pay additional fees in the amount of $1,350.
Books and Supplies
When you try to estimate the cost of attendance for a college or university, you need to take into account the cost of books and supplies you're going to need. The cost of books and supplies for full-time students of this school is estimated at about $1,500.
Before you apply to a college or university, you should, among other things, think about the price of a dorm room and cafeteria meals. What do schools typically charge for room and board?
In 2023, the price of room and board at Ohio Christian University was $9,612 per academic year. Room-only (on campus) cost per academic year at this school reached $4,636, according to the data from 2023. The estimated expense of room-only (on campus) for commuters not living at home was $4,500.
Tuition | $ 22,350 |
Room and Board | $ 9,612 |
Book and Supplies | $ 1,500 |
Total Expense | $ 33,462 |
Financial Aid
There are different types of financial support: grants, loans, scholarships, and work-study programs. If you wish to find out more about need-based and non-need-based aid at Ohio Christian University, here are some recent data you should consider.
The most recent records show that 222 freshmen received some sort of financial help. The average amount of financial aid given to students was $11,243.
If you need help with paying for your studies and you meet other eligibility requirements, you may be eligible for need-based aid.
1,732 students were given some form of need-based financial aid. Need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid at Ohio Christian University is available to international students.
Student to Faculty Ratio
Knowing more about a school's faculty can help you gauge the caliber of the education it can provide to you.
According to the most recent data, the student-faculty ratio at Ohio Christian University was 8:1: that means 8 students per one teacher, which is considered a good ratio. According to the most recent information, there are 174 teachers at this school. Out of that number, there were 104 male and 70 female faculty members.
Student Population Diversity Graph
Campus Life
It is not all about learning and grades at Ohio Christian University: campus life is a crucial component of your educational experience. Check out some info about students' life at Ohio Christian University.
Its campus is 40 acres in size.
Student Organizations
Being a member of a student organization will make you connect better with your fellow students and enjoy your college years more.
Other popular student organizations at this school are Awaken and World Gospel Mission.
For those drawn to acting, there is a drama club where you can participate.
Student Services
Ohio Christian University offers a number of services important for a comfortable and safe life on campus.
The dormitory entrances are electronically operated. The late-night transport/escort service is available.
All in all, campus life at Ohio Christian University is rich and vibrant and provides everything most students need.
Career Services
Having career services at a college or university can mean a great deal for your career planning, so find out what you can expect at Ohio Christian University.
Career Counselling
At Ohio Christian University, there is both group career counseling for all students and individual career counseling for all students. There are a library, a job bank, and job fairs. The career center offers resume preparation and resume referral to employers. There is campus employer recruitment for all the students. Individual job placement is available to all students at this school.
Job Placement
Understanding the potential salary after graduating can be of help in determining if a specific educational institution matches your professional aspirations.
The average base annual starting salary of the students who were employed within six months of graduation at this school is 40,000 USD.
Average Starting Salary After 6 Months of Graduation
Ohio Christian University is located in Circleville, OH.
Ohio Christian University offers need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid to international students.
The overall full-time tuition per academic year for Ohio Christian University is 22,350 USD, based on the most recent data.
This school has an official test-optional admission policy but makes use of SAT, SAT Subject Tests, ACT, or other standardized test scores in admission decisions for the candidates who choose to submit them.
The most recent reported freshman retention rate for Ohio Christian University is 61%.
Contact Information
Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.
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Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.