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Martin Luther College
New Ulm, MN
Martin Luther College (MLC) is a private liberal arts college located in New Ulm, Minnesota. Founded in 1995, MLC is affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) and is the educational institution responsible for training pastors, teachers, and staff ministers for the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). The college offers undergraduate programs leading to a Bachelor of Arts in Education, Pre-Seminary Studies, or Staff Ministry, and also provides continuing education and graduate studies for individuals already working in ministry.
At Martin Luther College, the curriculum is focused on preparing students for service in the church and in their communities. The college offers a comprehensive teacher education program which equips graduates to serve as teachers in Lutheran elementary and secondary schools. The pre-seminary program provides coursework and training for students interested in pursuing a pastoral career. Additionally, MLC offers programs in staff ministry, which prepares individuals for leadership roles in churches and organizations. Students at MLC benefit from small class sizes and one-on-one mentoring from faculty members who are experienced and knowledgeable in their respective fields.
Aside from academic programs, Martin Luther College also offers a vibrant campus life and a strong sense of community. The campus features modern facilities including state-of-the-art classrooms, dormitories, a library, and a chapel. Students can engage in a variety of extracurricular activities such as athletics, music, drama, and various clubs and organizations. The college also has a strong emphasis on faith and spiritual growth, providing students with chapel services, Bible studies, and opportunities for service and mission work. Overall, Martin Luther College offers a well-rounded educational experience for individuals seeking to serve in ministry, combining academic rigor, spiritual development, and a supportive community.
Martin Luther College is a private comprehensive higher education institution located in New Ulm, MN. This school follows a semester-based calendar. It has an acceptance rate of 82%. The freshman retention rate at Martin Luther College is 85% and the six-year graduation rate is 72%.
For freshmen, the application deadline for this school is September 15. Discover more about what you can expect if you get into Martin Luther College.
Quick Facts
Total Number of Undergraduate Students
Acceptance Rate
Student to Faculty Ratio
Graduation Rate
You need to learn as much as you can about the entrance requirements of the school in order to improve your chances of being accepted. Discover some relevant info about admission policy and requirements at Martin Luther College.
According to the newest information reported, this school uses standardized test scores for admission and it admitted 180 in 2024. As far as admission difficulty is considered, based on data self-reported by the institution this school is moderately difficult to get into.
Test Scores
12% of first-time, first-year degree-seeking students submitted their SAT scores for admission, and 71% submitted ACT scores, out of the overall number of those who submitted test scores. 39% of the freshmen submitted SAT composite scores between between 1,200 and 1,399, 55% between 1,000 and 1,199 and 6% of the students between 600 and 799. The percent of incoming freshmen who submitted ACT Composite scores in the range between 30-36 was 16, 40 between 24-29, 37 in the range between 18-23, and 7 between 12-17.
The ACT composite average score for all the admitted students in 2024 was 25 and the average GPA was 3.7. That means that you need a GPA that's above average in order to get into Martin Luther College; the same goes for your ACT score.
The SAT Critical Reading average score was 593 for the newly enrolled students, while the average SAT Math score was 603.
Be sure to apply to this school by September 15.
Acceptance Rate
Retention Rate
The student retention rate is the percentage of students who re-enroll from one year to the next. Why is that metric important? Because it tells you if the majority of freshmen enjoyed their first year at a school enough to come back.
As reported in 2024, the freshman retention rate for Martin Luther College was 85%, reflecting the superb quality of the educational programs at this institution.
The graduation rate is another indicator to take into account. This metric measures how efficiently students complete their degrees within a specific time period. The six-year graduation rate at this institution stands at 72%, which is considered an above-average graduation rate.
Student Body
It is always challenging to figure out which school is best for you. You can better understand the culture and life of the school by getting to know more about the student body.
Main Student Body
The overall number of students enrolled at Martin Luther College in 2024 was 859.
The school reported an out-of-state student body portion of 81% for that year. The total number of undergraduate students enrolled at the school was 743, 10 of which were foreign students. The number of transfer students at this school was 9.
Student Population Gender Ratio
The student body is coeducational, with 304 male and 299 female full-time students in 2024.
Student Population Diversity
Higer Education is committed to focusing on the diversity of its student population and improving students' sense of inclusion and belonging. In a diverse learning space, you will be exposed to people from different backgrounds, which promotes the feeling of inclusion and acceptance. Find out more about different ethnic groups you can meet at Martin Luther College.
This school had 3 Asian students and 9 Afro-American students in 2024. 8 undergrads at this school identified as Hispanic/Latino and 25 as multirace.
Financial planning for school is one of the most important things to think about before you apply. Here are some details you should know about the cost of attendance for Martin Luther College.
Tuition and Fees
If you were wondering how much the tuition cost for Martin Luther College is, here are some recent data that will come in handy.
As a full-time domestic student, you were required to pay tuition of $18,120 in 2024. Martin Luther College is a private institution, so tuition is the same for all the accepted students.
Books and Supplies
When you try to estimate the cost of attendance for a college or university, you need to consider the cost of books and supplies you're going to need. The approximate cost of books and supplies for full-time students of this school is $500.
Before you apply to a college or university, you should, among other things, think about the price of a dorm room and cafeteria meals. How much do room and board fees average around at schools?
In 2024, room and board cost at Martin Luther College amounted to $7,700 a year.
Tuition | $ 18,120 |
Room and Board | $ 7,700 |
Book and Supplies | $ 500 |
Total Expense | $ 26,320 |
Financial Aid
There are different types of financial support: grants, loans, scholarships, and work-study programs. If you want to find out more about need-based and non-need-based aid at Martin Luther College, here are some recent data you should consider.
The most recent records show that 117 freshmen received some sort of financial help. The average amount of financial aid given to students was $16,303.
Need-based financial aid is exactly what it sounds like — it’s awarded based on the determined financial need.
455 students secured some form of need-based financial aid. Need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid at Martin Luther College is available to international students. The overall number of students (including freshmen) who were determined to have financial need came to be 459. The amount of federal need-based scholarships/grants awarded to the students at this institution reached $999,560, and state $415,063. The students of Martin Luther College received the -institutional need-based aid in the amount of $3,283,235, and external in the amount of $1,235,971.
Average Amount of Aid Received
Non-Need Based
Non-need-based aid is any type of financial aid given to a student who does not meet the requirements for need-based aid. Most students get non-need-based financial aid as Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Graduate PLUS Loans, Parent PLUS Loans, and the TEACH Grant.
85 students, including freshmen, got institutional non-need-based scholarship or grant aid at this institution in 2024. 24 full-time freshmen were awarded institutional non-need-based scholarship or grant aid. The total amount of non-need-based institutional scholarships/grants was $901,761. This includes endowment, alumni, other institutional awards, and also external funds awarded by the institution, but doesn't include athletic aid and tuition waivers. $570,340 was the amount that the students at this institution got from external sources (like Kiwanis and National Merit).
Student to Faculty Ratio
The student-to-faculty ratio can tell you a lot about the teaching resources a school provides for its students.
In 2024, this ratio at Martin Luther College was 10:1. That means that there were 10 times more students than teachers at this school. The total number of faculty teaching at the institution is 85. Out of that number, there were 58 men and 27 women.
Student Population Diversity Graph
Campus Life
Knowing what to expect out of campus life at a college or university can set you up for success. Find out some details about students' life at Martin Luther College.
Its campus is 50 acres in size.
Student Organizations
A student organization is run by students at a university or a college institution, whose membership typically consists only of current students and/or alumni.
There is a drama club you can join if acting is something that interests you. Interested in media and communication? Martin Luther College publishes its own newspaper.
Student Services
Martin Luther College has a number of services necessary for a pleasant and secure life on campus.
There is a medical clinic with personal/psychological counseling. All in all, campus life at Martin Luther College is rich and vibrant and provides all you need for a comfortable stay.
Martin Luther College is located in New Ulm, MN.
Martin Luther College offers need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid to international students.
The overall full-time tuition per academic year for Martin Luther College is 18,120 USD, based on the most recent data.
This school uses standardized test scores for admission.
The most recent reported acceptance rate for Martin Luther College is 82%.
The most recent data indicate that the freshman retention rate for Martin Luther College is 85%.
Contact Information
Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.
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Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.