
Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary

Capitol Heights, MD

Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary is a renowned institution dedicated to equipping students with a comprehensive biblical education. Located in a serene setting surrounded by natural beauty in Maple Springs, it offers a nurturing environment for individuals seeking to pursue a career in ministry. With a commitment to promoting spiritual growth and academic excellence, the college provides a wide range of programs and resources to help students develop their theological knowledge, communication skills, and leadership abilities.

The college offers undergraduate and graduate programs in various disciplines, including theology, biblical studies, pastoral ministry, counseling, and missions. Students can choose from a diverse range of courses that cover topics such as hermeneutics, church history, biblical languages, and theology. The curriculum is designed to provide both a solid foundation in biblical studies and a comprehensive understanding of contemporary issues relevant to Christian ministry. Faculty members at Maple Springs are highly qualified and experienced, offering valuable insights and mentorship to guide students in their educational journey.

In addition to its academic offerings, Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary emphasizes the importance of practical ministry training. The institution encourages students to engage in fieldwork, internships, and cross-cultural experiences to apply their learning in real-world contexts. The campus has state-of-the-art facilities, including a library with extensive theological resources, a chapel for worship services and gatherings, and modern classrooms equipped with the latest technology. Overall, Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary is dedicated to equipping students with both the knowledge and practical skills needed to make a meaningful impact in their communities and the world at large.

Located in Capitol Heights, MD and set in a suburban environment, Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary is a private university. This academic institution uses a semester-based calendar. It has an acceptance rate of 100%. The freshman retention rate at Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary is 75%.

Here are some latest data on important things to consider about Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary.

Quick Facts


Total Number of Undergraduate Students


Acceptance Rate




You need to discover as much as you can about the entrance requirements of the institution in order to increase your chances of being accepted. Here are the most essential facts you need to know about admission policy and requirements at Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary.

According to the newest data, this school uses standardized test scores for admission and it admitted 2 in 2021. Looking at entrance difficulty level for all or most incoming freshmen, based on data self-reported by the institution this school is relatively easy to get into.

Retention Rate

What is the freshman retention rate? The freshman retention rate is the percentage of full-time students who entered the institution as freshmen in the previous academic year and returned for the fall term of the current academic year. Why is that information important? Because it tells you if the majority of freshmen enjoyed their first year at a school enough to come back.

The freshman retention rate for Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary was 75% in 2021, a testament to the outstanding educational experience provided by this institution.

Student Body

Deciding if a school is the right fit for you is not an easy task. You can better understand the culture and life of the school by getting to know more about the student body.

Main Student Body

In 2021, the school had an enrollment of 73 students.

That year, the school had 32.4% of out-of-state students.


Before submitting an application to any college or university, the financial component should be taken into consideration. The latest information on the expenses that most students at this school incur are detailed below.

Tuition and Fees

Wondering about tuition at Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary? Here is what you need to know.

Tuition fees per academic year for full-time domestic students were $6,000 in 2021. Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary is a private institution, so tuition is the same for all the accepted students. Full-time students in 2021 were required to pay additional fees in the amount of $120.

Tuition $ 6,000
Total Expense $ 6,000

Financial Aid

There are different types of financial support: grants, loans, scholarships, and work-study programs. Check out some recent data to get the info about need-based and non-need-based aid you might get at Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary.


Need-based aid is financial aid that a student can receive if they are determened to have financial need and meet other eligibility criteria.

Need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid at Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary isn't available to international students.

Campus Life

Knowing what to expect out of campus life at a college or university can set you up for success. Check out some info about social life at Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary.

Its campus is 1 acres in size.

Student Organizations

Being a member of a student organization will make you connect better with your fellow students and enjoy your college years more.

You have a passion for media and communication? Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary publishes its own newspaper.

Student Services

At Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary, there are many amenities that make life on campus pleasant and safe.

24/7 emergency phone and alarm devices are available. All in all, campus life at Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary is rich and vibrant and provides all you need for a comfortable stay.

Career Services

Having career services at a college or university can mean a great deal for your career planning, so find out what you can expect at Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary.


Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary is located in Capitol Heights, MD.

Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary doesn't offer need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid to international students.

The overall full-time tuition per academic year for Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary is 6,000 USD, based on the most recent data.

This school uses standardized test scores for admission.

The most recent data indicate that the acceptance rate for Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary is 100%.

The most recent data indicate that the freshman retention rate for Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary is 75%.

Contact Information

Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary,

4130 Belt Road

Capitol Heights, MD


301 736-3631

School Website

Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.

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