
Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond

Richmond, IN

Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond is a branch campus of Ivy Tech Community College, a statewide institution in Indiana. Located in Richmond, Indiana, the campus offers a wide range of associate degrees, certificates, and workforce development programs to serve the educational needs of the region. With a commitment to affordable and accessible education, Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond provides a supportive and inclusive learning environment for students of all backgrounds.

The campus offers programs in various fields, including business, healthcare, technology, and liberal arts. Students at Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond can pursue associate degrees in areas such as accounting, computer science, nursing, criminal justice, and visual communications, among others. The college also offers certificate programs in areas like welding, automotive technology, human services, and culinary arts, providing specialized training for students seeking to enter the workforce quickly.

Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond is known for its dedicated faculty who are committed to student success. The campus provides a range of support services, including academic advising, tutoring, career counseling, and job placement assistance. Additionally, the college organizes various extracurricular activities, clubs, and student organizations, creating a vibrant campus community. With its affordable tuition rates and flexible class schedules, Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond offers a convenient and quality education option for students in the region.

Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond is a public two-year college with graduate programs located in Richmond, IN. This institution follows a semester-based calendar. The freshman retention rate at Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond is 50%.

To find out more about what Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond has to offer to its students, read on for the latest data reported by this school.

Quick Facts


Total Number of Undergraduate Students


Student to Faculty Ratio


You need to discover as much as you can about the entrance requirements of the institution in order to maximize your chances of being accepted. Read on to find out some vital data about admission policy and requirements at Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond.

According to the most recent information reported, this school uses standardized test scores for admission. Looking at entrance difficulty level for all or most incoming freshmen, based on data self-reported by the institution this school is relatively noncompetitive.

Retention Rate

The freshman retention rate is defined as the percentage of first-year students who return for their sophomore year at a college or university. Why is that metric important? Because it tells you if the majority of freshmen enjoyed their first year at a school enough to come back.

As reported in 2023, the freshman retention rate for Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond was 50%.

Student Body

Deciding if a school is the right fit for you is not an easy task. You can have a better understanding of the school's culture and way of life by finding out more about the student body.

Main Student Body

In 2023, the institution enrolled 1,527 students.

That year, the school had an out-of-state student body percentage of 1. The school reported to have a total of 107 transfer students.

Student Population Gender Ratio

The student body is coeducational, with 148 male and 267 female full-time students in 2023, which is indicative of the importance this institution places on gender equality.

Student Population Diversity

Higer Education is committed to expanding the diversity of its student body and improving students' sense of inclusion and belonging. In a diverse learning space, you will be exposed to people from different backgrounds, which promotes the feeling of inclusion and acceptance. Discover more about the many ethnic communities that go to this school.

In 2023, out of the total number of students enrolled at the institution, the number of students of Asian origin was 7, while the number of Afro-American students was 59. 9 undergrads at this school declared as Hispanic/Latino and 37 as multirace. The school also had 1 student who identified as Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, as well as 9 American Indian or Alaska Native students. There were also 51 students whose ethnicity is unknown.


Financial planning for school is one of the most important things to think about before you apply. The latest information on the expenses that most students at this school incur are detailed below.

Tuition and Fees

Here are some facts that can be useful if you were curious about Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond estimated tuition fees.

For local residents, public county and municipal institutions reported that tuition costs were $4,486. Tuition fees were $8,777 for students coming from out of state. If you are an international student at Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond, you should know that the 2023 tuition was $8,777, as well. Fees per academic year required of full-time students came to a total of $150 in 2023.

Tuition Fees Total
Out-of-State $8,777 $150 $8,927
In-State $4,486 $150 $4,636

Books and Supplies

The approximate price of books and supplies for a college or university should also be taken into account as another important expense. Most students have to pay about $1,522 for books and supplies during their time at Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond.


When choosing a college, you should factor in the price of a dorm room and meals at the school cafeteria. What is the typical amount colleges and universities charge for room and board?

At Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond, the 2023 annual cost of room and board (on campus) was $7,808.

Tuition $ 4,486
Room and Board $ 7,808
Book and Supplies $ 1,522
Total Expense $ 13,816




Student to Faculty Ratio

The student-to-faculty or student-to-professor ratio represents the number of students compared to the number of professors at a school.

According to the most recent data, the student-faculty ratio at Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond was 13:1: that means 13 students per one teacher, which is considered a good ratio. This school has recently reported to have 127 faculty members.

Campus Life

Knowing what to expect out of campus life at a college or university can set you up for success. Check out some details about social life at Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond.

It has a campus size of 23 acres.

Student Organizations

Participating in multiple student organizations can add depth and fulfillment to your educational journey.

The student organization that attracts the greatest number of students is Business Professionals of America, followed by CATS 2000 and LPN Club. Other popular student organizations at this school are Phi Theta Kappa and Student Government.

Interested in media and communication? Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond publishes its own newspaper.

Student Services

At Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond, there are many amenities required for a comfortable and safe life on campus.

There are 24-hour emergency phone and alarm devices. Theer is a nighttime transportation/escort service.

All in all, campus life at Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond is rich and vibrant and provides all you need for a comfortable stay.

Career Services

Having career services at a college or university can mean a great deal for your career planning, so find out what you can expect at Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond.

Career Counselling

At Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond, there is both group career counseling for all students and individual career counseling for all students. There are job fairs. The school has campus employer recruitment for all the students. Individual job placement is available to all students at this school.


Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond is located in Richmond, IN.

This school uses standardized test scores for admission.

The most recent data indicate that the freshman retention rate for Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond is 50%.

Contact Information

Ivy Tech Community College - Richmond,

2357 Chester Boulevard

Richmond, IN


765 966-2656

Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.

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