
American University of Sharjah

Sharjah, ARE

American University of Sharjah is a private comprehensive higher education institution located in Sharjah and set in a suburban environment. This school uses a semester-based calendar. It has an acceptance rate of 84%. The freshman retention rate at American University of Sharjah is 81% and the six-year graduation rate is 78%.

For freshmen, the application deadline for this school is July 18. Explore this school's profile to find out all the important things about American University of Sharjah.

Quick Facts


Total Number of Undergraduate Students


Acceptance Rate




Student to Faculty Ratio


Graduation Rate


In order to maximize your chances of getting admitted, you need to know as much as possible about the school's criteria for admission. Learn some important information about admission policy and requirements at American University of Sharjah.

In 2019, the school accepted 2,545 new students. Looking at entrance difficulty level for all or most incoming freshmen, based on data self-reported by the institution this school is moderately difficult to get into.

Test Scores

The latest reported average GPA of the enrolled students was 3.65. That means that you need a GPA that's above average in order to get into American University of Sharjah.

Average Test Scores


The deadline for submitting applications to American University of Sharjah is July 18.


Acceptance Rate

Retention Rate

The freshman retention rate is the percentage of college or university freshmen who return for their sophomore year. That information can tell you if the majority of new students liked their first year enough to come back.

As reported in 2019, the freshman retention rate for American University of Sharjah was 81%, a clear indication of the excellence and value of the educational experience at this school.

The graduation rate is another indicator to take into account. This metric measures how efficiently students complete their degrees within a specific time period. The six-year graduation rate at this school is 78%, which is considered an above-average graduation rate.

Student Body

Deciding if a school is the right fit for you is not an easy task. You can get a better insight into a school's culture and life by finding out more about its student body.

Main Student Body

The overall number of students enrolled at American University of Sharjah in 2019 was 5,230.


Financial planning for school is one of the most important things to think about before you apply. Here are some details you should know about the expenses at American University of Sharjah that the majority of students face.

Tuition and Fees

Here are some numbers that can help you better understand the estimated tuition fees for this university.

Tuition fees per academic year for full-time domestic students were د.إ100,940 in 2019. As this is a private institution, tuition is the same for all the accepted students. Full-time students in 2019 needed to pay additional fees in the amount of د.إ600.


When choosing a college, you should factor in the price of a dorm room and meals at the school cafeteria. How much do room and board fees average around at schools?

The cost of a dorm room only at this school in 2019 reached د.إ14,000 for one academic year.

Tuition $ 100,940
Total Expense $ 100,940



Student to Faculty Ratio

Knowing more about a school's faculty can help you gauge the caliber of the education it can provide to you.

According to the most recent data, the student-faculty ratio at American University of Sharjah was 15:1: that means 15 students per one teacher. The faculty of this school consists of 360 members, according to the most recent data reported. This number included 281 male and 122 female faculty members.

Student Population Diversity Graph


Campus Life

Not everything at American University of Sharjah is about learning and grades: campus life is an essential part of your educational experience. Find out some information about social life at American University of Sharjah.

Student Organizations

Student organizations are run by students of an institution, and its membership typically consists exclusively of current students and/or alumni.

The number of student organizations and groups with open membership at this school is 73. There is a drama club you can join if acting is something that interests you. You have a talent for media and communication? American University of Sharjah publishes its own newspaper and has its own radio station.

Student Services

American University of Sharjah offers a number of services crucial for a comfortable and safe life on campus.

There are 24-hour emergency phone and alarm devices. The dormitory entrances at the school are electronically controlled. There is a 24-hour security patrol. The after-hours transportation/escort service is available.

There is a medical clinic with personal/psychological counseling. In addition, other services like Women's Center are available to the students of American University of Sharjah.

All in all, campus life at American University of Sharjah is rich and vibrant and provides all you need for a comfortable stay.

Career Services

Having career services at a college or university can mean a great deal for your career planning, so find out what you can expect at American University of Sharjah.

Career Counselling

The career center offers resume preparation and resume referral to employers. This school offers alumni networking opportunities, which could be a great asset for your future career.


American University of Sharjah is located in Sharjah.

The overall full-time tuition per academic year for American University of Sharjah is 100,940 AED, based on the most recent data.

The most recent reported acceptance rate for American University of Sharjah is 84%.

The most recent data indicate that the freshman retention rate for American University of Sharjah is 81%.

Contact Information

American University of Sharjah,

PO Box 26666




Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.

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