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Allen College
Waterloo, IA
Allen College is a renowned educational institution located in Waterloo, Iowa. Founded in 1989, it is affiliated with UnityPoint Health and specializes in healthcare education. The college offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including nursing, radiography, medical laboratory science, and public health. Known for its commitment to excellence in healthcare education, Allen College provides students with a hands-on learning experience, state-of-the-art facilities, and opportunities for clinical practice in diverse healthcare settings.
At Allen College, nursing is the flagship program, attracting students from across the country. The college offers both a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and an accelerated nursing program for students with prior non-nursing degrees. The nursing programs at Allen College are highly regarded due to their rigorous curriculum, dedicated faculty members, and strong clinical experiences, which prepare students to excel in the ever-evolving healthcare field.
Apart from nursing, Allen College also offers other healthcare-related programs, providing students with a wide range of options to pursue their career goals. These programs include radiography, where students learn to operate medical imaging equipment and provide accurate diagnostic images. The medical laboratory science program trains students to perform laboratory tests that aid in diagnosing and treating diseases. Additionally, the public health program equips students with the knowledge and skills to assess community health needs, plan interventions, and promote health and wellness.
With its reputation for excellence in healthcare education, Allen College is a top choice for aspiring healthcare professionals. The college's commitment to providing students with a comprehensive and cutting-edge education, combined with extensive practical experience, ensures that graduates are well-prepared to make a positive impact in the field of healthcare. Whether students are pursuing a career in nursing, radiography, medical laboratory science, or public health, Allen College offers the academic and clinical foundation needed to succeed in a dynamic and rewarding healthcare profession.
Allen College is a private university located in Waterloo, IA and set in a suburban environment. This school follows a semester-based calendar. The freshman retention rate at Allen College is 91%.
The freshmen application deadline for this school is February 1. For transfer students, the application deadline is February 1.
Learn more about what Allen College has to offer based on the most recent data this institution has reported.
Quick Facts
Total Number of Undergraduate Students
Student to Faculty Ratio
Knowing as much as possible about the institution's criteria for admission increases your chances of getting admitted. Discover some vital info about admission at Allen College.
As far as admission difficulty is considered, based on data self-reported by the institution this school is moderately difficult to get into.
Be sure to apply to this school by February 1. When submitting your application as a transfer student, note that the application deadline is February 1.
Retention Rate
The freshman retention rate is defined as the percentage of first-year students who return for their sophomore year at a college or university. That information can tell you if the majority of freshmen liked their first year enough to come back.
The freshman retention rate for Allen College was 91% in 2023, which is an amazing retention rate only the most prestigious institutions have.
Student Body
It is always challenging to figure out which school is best for you. Knowing more about the student population can help you get a clearer picture of the school's culture and life.
Main Student Body
The total number of students enrolled at Allen College in 2023 was 497.
The school reported an out-of-state student body portion of 7% for that year. There was a total of 278 undergraduate students, including 3 international students. The school admitted a total of 69 transfer students.
Student Population Gender Ratio
The student body is primarily women, with 43 male and 350 female full-time students in 2023, which speaks volumes for gender equality at this institution. 22 full-time graduate men and 123 full-time graduate women attended this school.
Student Population Diversity
The significance of student diversity cannnot be denied, when it comes to the overall feeling of inclusion and beloning among the students of any school. In a diverse learning space, you will be exposed to people from different backgrounds, which promotes the feeling of inclusion and acceptance. Find out more about different ethnic groups you can meet at Allen College.
In 2023, out of the total number of students enrolled at the institution, the number of students of Asian origin was 5, and the number of Afro-American students was 7. 4 undergrads at this school identified as Hispanic/Latino and 5 as multirace. The school also had 1 student who declared as Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, as well as 2 American Indian or Alaska Native students. There were also 32 students whose ethnicity is unknown.
One of the most crucial things to take into consideration when applying to any college or university is the financial component. Here are some data on the expenses that most students at this school have.
Tuition and Fees
Here are some numbers that can help you better understand the estimated tuition cost for this university.
As a full-time domestic student, you were required to pay tuition of $19,236 in 2023. Allen College is a private institution, so tuition is the same for all the accepted students. Fees per academic year required of full-time students summed up to $772 in 2023.
Books and Supplies
Another important expense to consider is the estimated cost of books and supplies for a college or university. Most students have to give about $1,200 for books and supplies during their time at Allen College.
When choosing a college, you should factor in the price of a dorm room and meals at the school cafeteria. What do schools typically charge for room and board?
In 2023, room and board cost at Allen College amounted to $7,280 a year.
Tuition | $ 19,236 |
Room and Board | $ 7,280 |
Book and Supplies | $ 1,200 |
Total Expense | $ 27,716 |
Financial Aid
There are different types of financial support: grants, loans, scholarships, and work-study programs. If you wish to find out more about need-based and non-need-based aid at Allen College, here are some recent data you should consider.
The most recent records show that 1 freshmen received some sort of financial help. Students of this school received an average of $12,910 in financial help.
Financial aid that a student can receive if they are determined to have financial need and meet other eligibility requirements is known as need-based aid.
225 students secured some form of need-based financial aid. Need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid at Allen College is available to international students. The total number of students (including freshmen) who were determined to have financial need was found to be 236. The amount of federal need-based scholarships/grants awarded to the students at this institution reached $435,327, and state $849,487. The students of Allen College received the -institutional need-based aid in the amount of $703,998, and external in the amount of $124,504.
Average Amount of Aid Received
Non-Need Based
Any financial aid given to a student who does not meet the requirements for need-based aid is considered non-need-based aid. Most students get non-need-based financial aid as Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Graduate PLUS Loans, Parent PLUS Loans, and the TEACH Grant.
Institutional non-need-based scholarships or grants were given to 178 students overall (including freshmen) at Allen College in 2023. 1 full-time freshmen were awarded institutional non-need-based scholarship or grant aid. The total amount of non-need-based institutional scholarships/grants was $188,914. This includes endowment, alumni, other institutional awards, and also external funds awarded by the institution, but doesn't include athletic aid and tuition waivers.
Student to Faculty Ratio
Knowing more about a school's faculty can help you gauge the caliber of the education it can provide to you.
According to the most recent data, the student-faculty ratio at Allen College was 5:1: that means 5 students per one teacher, which is considered an excellent ratio. The faculty of this school consists of 36 members, according to the most recent data reported. This number included 9 men and 46 women. The fact that female faculty members outnumber the male ones at this school speaks volumes for gender equality at Allen College.
Student Population Diversity Graph
Campus Life
Not everything at Allen College is about learning and grades: campus life is an essential part of your educational experience. Check out some info about students' life at Allen College.
Its campus spans 20 acres.
Student Organizations
Participating in multiple student organizations can add depth and fulfillment to your educational journey.
Based on the most up-to-date information available, there are 4 open-membership organizations at Allen College. Other popular organizations among the students at Allen College are Nurse's Christian Fellowship and Allen Student Nurse's Association.
Student Services
Allen College provides a number of services vital for a comfortable and secure life on campus.
There are electronically operated dormitory entrances. There is a round-the-clock security patrol. The transport/escort service operates during late hours.
This school has a health clinic with personal/psychological counseling. All in all, campus life at Allen College is rich and vibrant and provides everything most students need.
Career Services
Having career services at a college or university can mean a great deal for your career planning, so find out what you can expect at Allen College.
Career Counselling
At Allen College, there is both group career counseling for all students and individual career counseling for all students. There are job fairs. Individual job placement is available to all students at this school.
Allen College is located in Waterloo, IA.
Allen College offers need-based college-administered scholarship and grant aid to international students.
The overall full-time tuition per academic year for Allen College is 19,236 USD, based on the most recent data.
The most recent data indicate that the freshman retention rate for Allen College is 91%.
Contact Information
Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.
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Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.