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Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Albany, NY
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (ACPHS) is a private institution located in Albany, New York. Established in 1881, ACPHS has a rich history of providing comprehensive education in the fields of pharmacy and health sciences. The college offers undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs, preparing students for careers in pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, health outcomes research, health management, and more.
ACPHS is known for its strong emphasis on professional practice experiences, ensuring that students receive hands-on training and develop the necessary skills to excel in their future careers. The college collaborates with various healthcare organizations and industry partners to provide students with diverse experiential learning opportunities. ACPHS is also proud of its state-of-the-art facilities, including a cutting-edge Pharmaceutical Research Institute that conducts advanced research in areas such as drug discovery, drug delivery, and pharmacogenomics.
In addition to its rigorous academic programs, ACPHS promotes a supportive and diverse learning environment. With a small student-to-faculty ratio, students receive personalized attention and guidance from highly qualified faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. The college also offers numerous student organizations, clubs, and events that foster a sense of community and provide opportunities for personal growth and professional development. Overall, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences prides itself on preparing students to become competent and compassionate healthcare professionals.
Located in Albany, NY and set in an urban environment, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is a private university. This institution follows a semester-based calendar. It has an acceptance rate of 59%. The freshman retention rate at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is 86% and the six-year graduation rate is 60%.
For freshmen, the application deadline for this school is May 1. The transfer application deadline is July 1.
Here are some essential information on important things to consider about Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
Quick Facts
Total Number of Undergraduate Students
Acceptance Rate
Student to Faculty Ratio
Graduation Rate
If you find out as much as possible about the school's criteria for admission, your chances of getting accepted will significantly increase. Read on to learn some vital facts about admission at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
According to the newest information reported, this school uses standardized test scores for admission and it admitted 1,354 in 2024. Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences has an official test-optional admission policy but takes into consideration standardized test scores if the applicant chooses to submit them.
Test Scores
Out of the number of applicants who submitted test scores, the percentage of first-time, first-year degree-seeking students who submitted SAT scores was 50% and ACT scores 4%. 12% of the freshmen submitted SAT composite scores between 1,400 and 1,600, 60% between 1,200 and 1,399 and 28% between 1,000 and 1,199. The percent of freshman students who submitted ACT Composite scores in the range between 30-36 was 60, 40 between 24-29 and 20 in the range between 18-23.
The latest reported average GPA of the enrolled students was 3.5. That means that you need a GPA that's above average in order to get into Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
The final day for applications to Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is May 1. If you are applying for a transfer, note that the application deadline is July 1.
Acceptance Rate
Retention Rate
The freshman retention rate is the percentage of college or university newcomers who return for their sophomore year. When creating your list of possible schools to attend, make sure to consider the freshmen retention rate.
As reported in 2024, the freshman retention rate for Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences was 86%, indicative of the exceptional educational experience and supportive environment at this school.
Another important metric to consider is the graduation rate. This rate indicates how many students finish their degrees within a certain timeframe. The six-year completion rate at this institution is 60%.
Student Body
It is always challenging to figure out which school is best for you. You can get a better insight into a school's culture and life by finding out more about its student body.
Main Student Body
In 2024, the institution had an enrollment of 837 students.
That year, the institution had an out-of-state student body percentage of 28. There was a total of 509 students working towards bachelor's degrees, including 24 international students. 9 students enrolled as transfer students.
Student Population Gender Ratio
The student body is coeducational, with 305 male and 527 female full-time students in 2024. There were 127 full-time graduate male and 203 full-time graduate female students at this school.
Student Population Diversity
In order to promote a sense of inclusion and belonging among its students, higher education is dedicated to increasing student diversity. A heterogeneous student body brings together individuals from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Discover more about the many ethnic communities that go to this school.
This school had 97 Asian students and 52 Afro-American students in 2024. 44 undergrads at this school identified as Hispanic/Latino and 40 identified with more than one race. There were also 70 students whose ethnicity is unknown.
Before you send an application to any college or university, you should take into account the financial component. The most recent data reported regarding the expenses for attending this school are detailed below.
Tuition and Fees
Here are some numbers that can help you better understand the estimated tuition cost for this university.
Tuition fees per academic year for full-time domestic students were $40,200 in 2024. Since this is a private institution, tuition is the same for all the accepted students. Fees per academic year required of full-time students reached $925 in 2024.
Books and Supplies
When you try to estimate the cost of attendance for a college or university, you need to take into account the cost of books and supplies you're going to need. The cost of books and supplies for full-time students of this school is estimated at about $1,000.
Besides tuition, another cost to consider is the price of housing in the dorms and eating at the school cafeteria. How much do room and board fees average around at colleges and universities?
At Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, the 2024 annual cost of room and board (on campus) was $12,500. If you only wanted a dorm room, you had to pay $7,000 for the 2024 academic year. The estimated expense of room-only (on campus) for commuters not living at home was $7,400.
Tuition | $ 40,200 |
Room and Board | $ 12,500 |
Book and Supplies | $ 1,000 |
Total Expense | $ 53,700 |
Financial Aid
Grants, loans, scholarships, work-study programs: these are all different types of financial aid for students. Check out some recent data to get informed about need-based and non-need-based aid students could get at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
According to the most recent data, 107 freshmen were awarded financial aid. Students of this school received an average of $23,469 in financial help.
Need-based financial aid is exactly what it sounds like — it’s awarded based on the determined financial need.
There were 445 students who acquired need-based financial aid of any kind. The total number of students (including freshmen) who were determined to have financial need was found to be 445. The amount of federal need-based scholarships/grants awarded to the students at this institution summed up to $1,137,763, and state $313,398.
Average Amount of Aid Received
Non-Need Based
Non-need-based financial aid is any type of financial aid provided to a student who does not meet the criteria for need-based aid. Non-need-based student aid typicaly comes in a form of Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Graduate PLUS Loans, Parent PLUS Loans, and the Teacher Education Access for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant.
Institutional non-need-based scholarships or grants were given to 48 students overall (including freshmen) at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in 2024. Institutional grants or scholarships that are not based on financial need were given to 65 full-time freshman. The total amount of institutional scholarships and awards that were not based on financial need was $6,357,303. This includes endowment, alumni, other institutional awards, and also external funds awarded by the institution, but doesn't include athletic aid and tuition waivers. $410,776 was the amount that the students at this institution got from external sources (like Kiwanis and National Merit).
Open Applications
Find open programs by choosing your preferred academic interest from the list below, and select your desired term start. Get started with your application process and find more information using the Apply button.
The Common Application for Transfer (Common App for transfer)
Undergrad Fall
Undergrad Fall
ApplyStart Year: 2025
Start Term: Fall
Application Deadline: 2025-07-15
Student to Faculty Ratio
The student-to-faculty ratio can tell you a lot about the teaching resources a school provides for its students.
According to the most recent data, the student-faculty ratio at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences was 10:1: that means 10 students per one teacher, which is considered a good ratio. This school has recently reported to have 117 faculty members. This number included 56 men and 63 women. The fact that female faculty members outnumber the male ones at this school speaks volumes for gender equality at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
Student Population Diversity Graph
Campus Life
It is not all about learning and grades at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences: campus life is a crucial component of your educational experience. Check out some details about social life at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
It has a campus size of 35 acres.
Student Organizations
A student organization is run by students at a university or a college institution, whose membership typically consists only of current students and/or alumni.
There is a drama club you can join if acting is something that interests you. You have a talent for media and communication? Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences publishes its own newspaper.
Student Services
At Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, there are many amenities that make life on campus comfortable and safe.
All in all, campus life at Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is rich and vibrant and provides everything most students need.
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is located in Albany, NY.
According to the latest information, the tuition for Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is 40,200 USD a year.
This school has an official test-optional admission policy but makes use of SAT, SAT Subject Tests, ACT, or other standardized test scores in admission decisions for the candidates who choose to submit them.
The most recent reported acceptance rate for Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is 59%.
According to the latest information, the freshman retention rate for Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is 86%.
Contact Information
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences,
106 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY
518 694-7200
Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.
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Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.