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The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Xavier University of Louisiana
New Orleans, LA
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Xavier University of Louisiana offers a comprehensive and rigorous graduate school program for students interested in pursuing advanced studies in psychology. The graduate school is known for its commitment to diversity, inclusion, and social justice, providing students with the necessary tools and knowledge to become socially responsible practitioners in the field of psychology.
The graduate school at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Xavier University of Louisiana offers a wide range of programs, including a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology, a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology, and a Master of Arts in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. These programs provide students with a solid foundation in the principles and theories of psychology, as well as practical and hands-on experiences through clinical placements and internships.
One of the distinguishing features of the graduate school is its emphasis on applied research and evidence-based practice. Faculty members are actively involved in research and scholarship, and students are encouraged to engage in research projects that address real-world issues and challenges. The graduate school also values community engagement and offers opportunities for students to participate in various community-based initiatives and projects, further enhancing their learning experience.
Overall, the graduate school at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Xavier University of Louisiana offers a dynamic and inclusive environment for students to pursue their passion for psychology. With a strong focus on social justice and applied practice, the programs provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in the field of psychology and contribute to the well-being of diverse communities.
Located in New Orleans, LA, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Xavier University of Louisiana is a private graduate school. Here are some recent data on important things to consider about The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Xavier University of Louisiana.
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The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Xavier University of Louisiana is located in New Orleans, LA.
Contact Information
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Xavier University of Louisiana,
1 Drexel Drive
New Orleans, LA
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Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2022 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
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