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Orlando, FL
DeVry University - Orlando offers a comprehensive graduate school program that caters to individuals seeking to further their education and advance their careers. Located in the heart of Orlando, Florida, the graduate school at DeVry University provides a wide range of master's degree programs in various disciplines, including business administration, computer science, information technology management, and education. With a strong emphasis on practical, hands-on learning, the university prepares students to become leaders in their chosen fields through a combination of rigorous coursework, real-world experiences, and industry-relevant curriculum.
One of the key strengths of the graduate school at DeVry University - Orlando is its faculty members, who possess extensive academic qualifications as well as significant industry experience. These professors bring their practical knowledge and expertise into the classroom, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education that combines theoretical concepts with real-world application. Additionally, the university maintains strong connections with local businesses and industries, enabling students to network and gain valuable insights and potential job opportunities.
Furthermore, the graduate school at DeVry University - Orlando provides a flexible learning environment, accommodating students with full-time jobs or other responsibilities. With evening and weekend classes, as well as online learning options, individuals can pursue their master's degrees at their own pace, balancing their personal and professional commitments. The university also offers a range of resources and support services, such as career counseling, academic advising, and access to state-of-the-art facilities, to ensure that students have the necessary tools to succeed in their graduate studies and beyond.
Located in Orlando, FL and set in an urban environment, DeVry University, Orlando is a private comprehensive higher education institution. This academic institution uses a semester-based calendar. Explore this school's profile to find out the most essential things about DeVry University, Orlando.
Quick Facts
Total Number of Graduate Students
Student to Faculty Ratio
Student Body
Making the decision of which school is the right fit for you is not easy. You can have a better understanding of the school's culture and way of life by learning more about the student body.
Main Student Body
The total number of students at this school is 13, according to the information reported in 2017.
Student Population Gender Ratio
7 male and 6 female students attend this school, according to the data from 2017.
Browse Programs
Not sure which options are available? Browse the list of favored programs sorted by degree type and start exploring programs list provided by Peterson’s data. Check out the full list of programs on the official website of the university.
Student to Faculty Ratio
Getting information about the faculty at a school can help you estimate the quality of education you will receive there.
According to the latest information, the total number of faculty teaching at the institution is 3.
DeVry University, Orlando is located in Orlando, FL.
Contact Information
7352 Greenbriar Parkway
Orlando, FL
407 345-2800
Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2022 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.
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Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2022 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.