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Dallas Baptist University
Dallas, TX
Dallas Baptist University (DBU) offers graduate programs that prepare students for successful careers in various fields. The graduate school at DBU is committed to providing a Christ-centered education that integrates faith and learning, providing students with a strong foundation for their professional and personal lives. With a wide range of programs, state-of-the-art facilities, and experienced faculty, DBU's graduate school aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to make a meaningful impact in their chosen fields.
DBU's graduate school offers a diverse range of programs in areas such as business, education, leadership, counseling, and ministry. These programs are designed to meet the needs of both working professionals looking to advance in their careers and individuals seeking to switch to a new field. With flexible class schedules, including evening and online options, DBU offers convenience for individuals who have other commitments while pursuing their graduate studies.
The graduate school at DBU prides itself on its dedicated faculty who are not only experts in their respective fields but also passionate about mentoring and guiding students throughout their educational journey. Alongside rigorous coursework, students have the opportunity to engage in practical experiences, internships, and research projects that allow them to apply what they have learned and gain practical skills. DBU's emphasis on servant leadership and ethical behavior ensures that graduates not only excel academically but also develop into well-rounded professionals who are committed to making a positive impact in their communities and society as a whole.
Located in Dallas, TX and set in a suburban environment, Dallas Baptist University is a private university. This school follows a 4-1-4 calendar. To find out more about what Dallas Baptist University has to offer to its students, read on for the latest data reported by this school.
Quick Facts
Total Number of Graduate Students
Student to Faculty Ratio
Student Body
Deciding if a school is the best fit for you is not an easy task. Gaining a better insight into a school's student body helps you learn more about its culture and life.
Main Student Body
The total number of students at this school is 1,273, according to the information reported in 2022.
Student Population Gender Ratio
525 male and 748 female students attend this school, according to the data from 2022. The larger population of female students compared to male students shows the significance given to gender equality at this institution.
Financial planning for school is one of the most important things to consider before you apply. Here are some important facts on Dallas Baptist University costs that most students encounter at this school.
Room and Board cost
Tuition and Fees
If you were wondering how much the tuition cost for Dallas Baptist University is, here are some recent data that will come in handy.
Tuition in 2022 was $21,186 for full-time domestic students. Dallas Baptist University is a private institution, so tuition is the same for all the accepted students. Tuition costs at Dallas Baptist University for international students totalled $21,186. Full-time students in 2022 were obliged to pay additional fees in the amount of $1,500.
When choosing a college, you should factor in the price of a dorm room and meals at the school cafeteria. How much do room and board fees average around at schools?
In 2022, the price of room and board at Dallas Baptist University was $9,351 per academic year. The cost of a dorm room only at this school in 2022 came to $4,574 for one academic year.
Browse Programs
Not sure which options are available? Browse the list of favored programs sorted by degree type and start exploring programs list provided by Peterson’s data. Check out the full list of programs on the official website of the university.
Student to Faculty Ratio
Getting information about the faculty at a school can help you estimate the quality of education you will receive there.
According to the latest information, the total number of faculty members at this school is 65. 39 male and 26 female faculty members were active at this school in 2022.
Student Population Diversity Graph
Dallas Baptist University is located in Dallas, TX.
According to the latest information, the tuition for Dallas Baptist University is 21,186 USD a year.
Contact Information
Dallas Baptist University,
3000 Mountain Creek Parkway
Dallas, TX
214 333-7100
Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2022 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.
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Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2022 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.