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Zane State College
Zanesville, OH
Zane State College is a two-year public college located in Zanesville, Ohio. Established in 1969, the college offers a variety of academic programs and degrees in fields such as business, health sciences, engineering technology, and arts and sciences. With an enrollment of approximately 4,000 students, Zane State College provides a supportive and student-centered learning environment.
One of the notable features of Zane State College is its strong emphasis on hands-on learning. The college provides numerous opportunities for students to gain practical experience through internships, cooperative education programs, and real-world projects. This approach helps students bridge the gap between classroom knowledge and practical application, enhancing their skills and employability upon graduation.
Moreover, Zane State College is dedicated to providing affordable education to its students. The college offers a range of financial aid options, including scholarships, grants, and work-study programs, to help students manage the cost of their education. Additionally, the college has strong partnerships with local businesses and industries, allowing students access to internships and job opportunities that can contribute to their success post-graduation.
Overall, Zane State College is a reputable institution that strives to provide quality education and equip students with the skills they need to excel in their chosen fields. With its focus on hands-on learning, affordability, and strong industry connections, Zane State College offers a valuable educational experience for students seeking a two-year degree or looking to transfer to a four-year institution.
Zane State College is a public four-year college located in Zanesville, OH. This school uses a quarterly calendar. The freshman retention rate at Zane State College is 65%.
To find out more about what Zane State College has to offer to its students, read on for the latest data reported by this school.
Quick Facts
Total Number of Undergraduate Students
Discovering as much as possible about the school's criteria for admission maximizes your chances of getting admitted. Here are the most relevant data you should know about admission at Zane State College.
According to the newest information reported, this institution uses standardized test scores for admission. Looking at entrance difficulty level for all or most incoming freshmen, based on data self-reported by the institution this school is relatively noncompetitive.
Retention Rate
The freshman retention rate is defined as the percentage of first-year students who return for their sophomore year at a college or university. Why is that metric important? Because it tells you if the majority of freshmen enjoyed their first year at a school enough to come back.
As reported in 2021, the freshman retention rate for Zane State College was 65%.
Student Body
It is always challenging to figure out which school is best for you. Obtaining a better insight into a school's student body helps you learn more about its culture and life.
Main Student Body
The overall number of students enrolled at Zane State College in 2021 was 2,275.
The school reported to have a total of 100 transfer students.
Before you submit an application to any college or university, you should take into account the financial component. Here are some important data on Zane State College costs that most students encounter at this school.
Tuition and Fees
Wondering about tuition at Zane State College? Here is what you need to know.
If you are an area resident, your tuition was $5,670. For out-of-state students, tuition fees amounted to $11,130. If you are an international student at Zane State College, you should know that the 2021 tuition was $11,130, as well. Full-time students in 2021 were mandated to pay additional fees in the amount of $36.
Tuition | Fees | Total | |
Out-of-State | $11,130 | $36 | $11,166 |
In-State | $5,670 | $36 | $5,706 |
Books and Supplies
When you try to estimate the cost of attendance for a college or university, you need to think about the cost of books and supplies you're going to need. The approximate expense of books and supplies for full-time students of this school is $1,600.
Tuition | $ 5,670 |
Book and Supplies | $ 1,600 |
Total Expense | $ 7,270 |
Campus Life
Not everything at Zane State College is about learning and grades: campus life is an essential part of your educational experience. Check out some information about campus life at Zane State College.
Its campus spans 170 acres.
Student Organizations
A student organization is run by students at a university or a college institution, whose membership typically consists only of current students and/or alumni.
Interested in media and communication? Zane State College publishes its own newspaper.
Student Services
At Zane State College, there are many amenities required for a comfortable and safe life on campus.
All in all, campus life at Zane State College is rich and vibrant and provides everything most students need.
Career Services
Having career services at a college or university can mean a great deal for your career planning, so find out what you can expect at Zane State College.
Career Counselling
The school has campus employer recruitment for all the students. Individual job placement is available to all students at this school.
Zane State College is located in Zanesville, OH.
This school uses standardized test scores for admission.
According to the latest information, the freshman retention rate for Zane State College is 65%.
Contact Information
Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.
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Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.