
Piedmont Virginia Community College

Charlottesville, VA

Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) is a two-year public institution located in Charlottesville, Virginia. Established in 1972, PVCC offers a wide range of academic programs, certifications, and degrees to approximately 5,500 students each year. The college is known for its commitment to providing accessible and affordable education, making it an excellent choice for students seeking to start their higher education journey or gain valuable skills for the workforce.

PVCC offers a comprehensive selection of academic programs in various fields, including arts and humanities, business and information technology, health and life sciences, math and sciences, and social sciences. Students can earn associate degrees and certificates in programs such as nursing, culinary arts, computer science, business administration, and criminal justice. The college also provides transfer programs for students planning to continue their education at a four-year institution.

The college campus provides a supportive and inclusive environment for students, offering a wide range of student organizations, clubs, and activities. PVCC has state-of-the-art facilities, including science labs, computer labs, a library, and an arts center. Additionally, the college provides various resources to support student success, including academic advising, tutoring services, and career development support. With its convenient location in Charlottesville, PVCC is also within reach of cultural, recreational, and employment opportunities in the surrounding area. Overall, Piedmont Virginia Community College provides a strong foundation for students' educational and career aspirations, fostering a vibrant learning community within its beautiful campus.

Located in Charlottesville, VA and set in a suburban environment, Piedmont Virginia Community College is a public two-year college with graduate programs. This educational institution operates on a semester-based calendar. The freshman retention rate at Piedmont Virginia Community College is 56%.

Read more about what Piedmont Virginia Community College has to offer based on the most recent data this institution has reported.

Quick Facts


Total Number of Undergraduate Students


Student to Faculty Ratio


If you learn as much as possible about the institution's criteria for admission, your chances of getting accepted will significantly increase. Here are the most vital facts you should know about admission policy and requirements at Piedmont Virginia Community College.

Looking at entrance difficulty level for all or most incoming freshmen, based on data self-reported by the institution this school is relatively noncompetitive.

Retention Rate

The percentage of first-year students at a college or university who stay on for their second year is known as the freshman retention rate. Why is that metric important? Because it tells you if the majority of freshmen enjoyed their first year at a school enough to come back.

The freshman retention rate for Piedmont Virginia Community College was 56% in 2021.

Student Body

It is never easy to figure out which school is the best place for you. Having a better insight into a school's student body helps you learn more about its culture and life.

Main Student Body

In 2021, the institution had an enrollment of 4,864 students.

The total number of undergraduate students enrolled at the institution was 4,864, 54 of which were foreign students.

Student Population Gender Ratio

The student body is coeducational, with 545 male and 688 female full-time students in 2021, which is indicative of the importance this institution places on gender equality.

Student Population Diversity

The importance of student diversity cannnot be denied, when it comes to the overall feeling of inclusion and beloning among the students of any school. Diversity promotes critical thinking, challenges preconceived notions, and encourages intellectual growth, so it helps students develop empathy and a broader understanding of the world. Discover more about the many ethnic communities that go to this school.

In 2021, out of the total number of students enrolled at the institution, the number of Asian students was 0, while the number of Afro-American students was 543. 333 undergraduate students at this school identified as Hispanic/Latino and 250 identified with more than one race. There were also 259 students whose ethnicity is unknown.


Before you send an application to any college or university, you should take into account the financial component. Here are some data on the expenses that most students at this institution have.

Tuition and Fees

Here are some numbers that can help you better understand the estimated tuition cost for this university.

For the students who live in the area, the tuition cost was $4,932, as reported by public county or municipal institutions. For students who don't live in the state in which the university is located, the tuition was $10,590 in 2021. Tuition costs at Piedmont Virginia Community College for international students totalled $10,590. Full-time students in 2021 were required to pay additional fees in the amount of $139.5.

Tuition Fees Total
Out-of-State $10,590 $140 $10,729
In-State $4,932 $140 $5,071

Books and Supplies

The approximate cost of books and supplies for a college or university should also be taken into consideration as another significant financial element. The estimated price of books and supplies for full-time students of this school is $1,400.


Before you apply to a college or university, you should, among other things, think about the price of a dorm room and cafeteria meals. How much do room and board fees average around at schools?

The cost of room and board (on campus) per academic year at Piedmont Virginia Community College was $10,665 in 2021.

Tuition $ 4,932
Room and Board $ 10,665
Book and Supplies $ 1,400
Total Expense $ 16,997

Financial Aid

Financial aid for students comes in different forms: grants, loans, scholarships, or work-study programs. Check out some recent data to get informed about need-based and non-need-based aid at Piedmont Virginia Community College.

According to the most recent data, 244 freshmen were awarded financial aid.




Student to Faculty Ratio

The student-to-faculty or student-to-professor ratio represents the number of students compared to the number of professors at a school.

In 2021, this ratio at Piedmont Virginia Community College was 17:1. That means that there were 17 times more students than teachers at this school. According to the most recent information, there are 281 teachers at this school. Out of that number, there were 107 men and 174 women. The fact that female faculty members outnumber the male ones at this school speaks volumes for gender equality at Piedmont Virginia Community College.

Student Population Diversity Graph


Campus Life

Knowing what to expect out of campus life at a college or university can set you up for success. Check out some info about campus life at Piedmont Virginia Community College.

Its campus is 114 acres in size.

Student Organizations

Being a member of a student organization will make you connect better with your fellow students and enjoy your college years more.

For students with a talent for acting, there is a drama club. For students interested in media and communication, Piedmont Virginia Community College publishes its own newspaper.

Student Services

At Piedmont Virginia Community College, there are many amenities required for a pleasant and safe life on campus.

There are 24-hour emergency phone and alarm devices. There is a round-the-clock security patrol. The late-night transport/escort service is available.

In addition, other services like Veteran's Affairs are available to the students of Piedmont Virginia Community College.

All in all, campus life at Piedmont Virginia Community College is rich and vibrant and provides everything most students need.

Career Services

Having career services at a college or university can mean a great deal for your career planning, so find out what you can expect at Piedmont Virginia Community College.

Career Counselling

At Piedmont Virginia Community College, there is both group career counseling for all students and individual career counseling for all students. There are a library, a job bank, and job fairs. Job interviews are also available to students through the career center. The school has campus employer recruitment for all the students. Individual job placement is available to all students at this school.


Piedmont Virginia Community College is located in Charlottesville, VA.

According to the latest information, the freshman retention rate for Piedmont Virginia Community College is 56%.

Contact Information

Piedmont Virginia Community College,

501 College Drive

Charlottesville, VA


434 977-3900

School Website

Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.

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