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Klamath Community College
Klamath Falls, OR
Klamath Community College (KCC) is a small, public community college located in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Founded in 1996, the college has grown to become a key educational institution in the region, serving over 4,500 students annually. KCC aims to provide accessible and affordable education, offering a range of programs and courses that prepare students for both transfer to four-year universities and direct entry into the workforce.
KCC offers a diverse range of academic programs and degrees, including associate degrees in areas such as arts, science, business, and healthcare. The college also provides vocational and technical training programs that equip students with the skills necessary for various in-demand careers. Additionally, KCC partners with other Oregon universities to offer seamless transfer pathways for students who plan to pursue a bachelor's degree after completing their associate's degree.
Apart from academic programs, Klamath Community College is also committed to providing a supportive and inclusive learning environment. The college offers various resources to help students succeed, including tutoring services, counseling support, and career development assistance. Additionally, KCC has a vibrant campus life with clubs, organizations, and student activities that allow students to engage in extracurricular and community involvement.
Overall, Klamath Community College is a community-oriented institution that serves the educational needs of the Klamath Basin area. With its affordable tuition, diverse academic offerings, and supportive environment, KCC provides a valuable opportunity for individuals to pursue their educational and career goals.
Located in Klamath Falls, OR, Klamath Community College is a public two-year college with graduate programs. This academic institution uses a quarterly calendar. The freshman retention rate at Klamath Community College is 58%.
Read more about what you can expect if you get into Klamath Community College.
Quick Facts
Total Number of Undergraduate Students
Discovering as much as possible about the school's criteria for admission increases your chances of getting admitted. How difficult is it to get admitted to Klamath Community College and what are the admission requirements?
As far as admission difficulty is considered, based on data self-reported by the institution this school is relatively noncompetitive.
Retention Rate
What is the freshman retention rate? The freshman retention rate is the percentage of full-time students who entered the institution as freshmen in the previous academic year and returned for the fall term of the current academic year. This piece of data is important as it can reveal to the prospective students how many freshmen liked the school enough to return to it as sophomores.
As reported in 2021, the freshman retention rate for Klamath Community College was 58%.
Student Body
It is never easy to figure out which school is the perfect place for you. You can get a better insight into a school's culture and life by learning more about its student body.
Main Student Body
The total number of students enrolled at Klamath Community College in 2021 was 1,148.
That year, the school had 0.05% of out-of-state students. The school reported to have a total of 158 transfer students.
Student Population Gender Ratio
With a coeducational student body, the school had 153 male and 232 female full-time students in 2021.
The financial aspect is one of the most important things to consider before applying to any college or university. Here are some important information on Klamath Community College costs that most students encounter at this school.
Tuition and Fees
If you were wondering how much the tuition cost for Klamath Community College is, here are some recent data that will come in handy.
For local residents, public county and municipal institutions reported that tuition costs were $3,996. Tuition fees were $6,804 for students coming from out of state. For international students, tuition fees at this school were $6,804, as well. Full-time students in 2021 were obliged to pay additional fees in the amount of $702.
Tuition | Fees | Total | |
Out-of-State | $6,804 | $702 | $7,506 |
In-State | $3,996 | $702 | $4,698 |
Tuition | $ 3,996 |
Total Expense | $ 3,996 |
Campus Life
Knowing what to expect out of campus life at a college or university can set you up for success. Find out some details about campus life at Klamath Community College.
It has a campus size of 57 acres.
Student Organizations
Being a member of a student organization will make you connect better with your fellow students and enjoy your college years more.
The number of student organizations and groups with open membership at this school is 12. The percentage of male students who are members of organizations is 10 and female students 15. The student organization that attracts the greatest number of students is Business Club, followed by Veterans Club and Future Farmers of America. Other popular student organizations at this school are Hispanic Club and Phi Beta Lambda.
Student Services
Klamath Community College has a number of services crucial for a pleasant and secure life on campus.
There are emergency phone and alarm devices available around the clock. All in all, campus life at Klamath Community College is rich and vibrant and provides everything most students need.
Career Services
Having career services at a college or university can mean a great deal for your career planning, so find out what you can expect at Klamath Community College.
Career Counselling
At Klamath Community College, there is both group career counseling for all students and individual career counseling for all students. There are job fairs. Individual job placement is available to all students at this school.
Klamath Community College is located in Klamath Falls, OR.
The most recent data indicate that the freshman retention rate for Klamath Community College is 58%.
Contact Information
Klamath Community College,
7390 South 6th Street
Klamath Falls, OR
541 882-3521
Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.
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Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved.
Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.