
Murray State College

Tishomingo, OK

Murray State College, established in 1908, is a public community college located in Tishomingo, Oklahoma. The college offers a wide range of associate degree programs, certificate programs, and transfer options for students seeking higher education. With its mission of providing accessible and affordable education, Murray State College has become one of the leading institutions in Oklahoma for students starting their academic journey or looking to develop new skills.

Murray State College offers more than 30 associate degree programs in various fields, including agriculture, business, general studies, nursing, and computer science. The college also provides certificate programs that allow students to gain specialized skills in areas such as phlebotomy, practical nursing, and welding. Additionally, Murray State College has transfer agreements with several four-year universities, making it a popular choice for students planning to continue their education at a bachelor's degree level.

Aside from its academic offerings, Murray State College provides a supportive and enriching learning environment. The college's campus features modern facilities, including state-of-the-art classrooms, science laboratories, and specialized training areas. The knowledgeable faculty members at Murray State College are dedicated to fostering student success and offer personalized instruction to guide students towards achieving their educational goals. The college also provides various student services, such as academic advising, financial aid, and career placement assistance, ensuring that students have the resources they need to excel both academically and professionally.

Located in Tishomingo, OK and set in a rural environment, Murray State College is a public two-year college with graduate programs. This school follows a semester-based calendar. The freshman retention rate at Murray State College is 49%.

Learn more about what Murray State College has to offer based on the most recent data this institution has reported.

Quick Facts


Total Number of Undergraduate Students


Student to Faculty Ratio


In order to increase your chances of getting admitted, you need to know as much as possible about the school's criteria for admission. Discover some important data about admission policy and requirements at Murray State College.

According to the newest information reported, this institution uses standardized test scores for admission. Looking at entrance difficulty level for all or most incoming freshmen, based on data self-reported by the institution this school is relatively noncompetitive.

Retention Rate

The freshman retention rate is the percentage of college or university freshmen who return for their sophomore year. This piece of data is important as it can reveal to the prospective students how many freshmen liked the school enough to return to it as sophomores.

As reported in 2023, the freshman retention rate for Murray State College was 49%.

Student Body

Making the decision of which school is the best place for you is not easy. You can get a better insight into a school's culture and life by finding out more about its student body.

Main Student Body

In 2023, the school had an enrollment of 2,674 students.

The school reported an out-of-state student body portion of 4% for that year. There was a total of 2,674 undergrad students, including 2 international students.

Student Population Gender Ratio

The student body is coeducational, with 464 male and 853 female full-time students in 2023, which speaks volumes for gender equality at this institution.

Student Population Diversity

Higher Education is dedicated to increasing student diversity and enhancing students' feelings of inclusion and belonging. A heterogeneous student body brings together individuals from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Learn more about all the ethnic communities you might encounter at this institution.

This school had 9 Asian students and 136 Afro-American students in 2023. 162 undergraduate students at this school declared as Hispanic/Latino and 251 as multirace. The school also had 3 students who declared as Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, and 354 American Indian or Alaska Native students. There were also 41 students whose ethnicity is unknown.


Before sending an application to any college or university, the financial component should be taken into account. Here are some important data on Murray State College costs that most students encounter at this school.

Tuition and Fees

Here are some numbers that can help you better understand the estimated tuition price for this university.

According to the reports from public county and municipal institutions, tuition fees were $5,040 for area residents. Tuition fees were $10,836 for students coming from a different state. For the students coming from abroad, tuition at this school was $10,836, as well. Fees per academic year required of full-time students amounted to $1,152 in 2023.

Tuition Fees Total
Out-of-State $10,836 $1,152 $11,988
In-State $5,040 $1,152 $6,192


The cost of dorm rooms and meals in the school's cafeteria is for sure something to take into consideration. How much do room and board fees average around at colleges and universities?

The cost of room and board (on campus) per academic year at Murray State College was $7,284 in 2023.

Tuition $ 5,040
Room and Board $ 7,284
Total Expense $ 12,324



Student to Faculty Ratio

Getting information about the faculty at a school can help you estimate the quality of education you will receive there.

In 2023, this ratio at Murray State College was 20:1. That means that there were 20 times more students than teachers at this school. This school has recently reported to have 152 faculty members.

Campus Life

Knowing what to expect out of campus life at a college or university can set you up for success. Check out some information about students' life at Murray State College.

It has a campus size of 120 acres.

Student Organizations

Being a member of a student organization will make you connect better with your fellow students and enjoy your college years more.

According to the most recent information, there are 11 open-membership organizations at Murray State College. For students with a talent for acting, there is a drama club.

Student Services

At Murray State College, there are many amenities that make life on campus comfortable and safe.

There is a security patrol available 24/7. All in all, campus life at Murray State College is rich and vibrant and provides everything most students need.

Career Services

Having career services at a college or university can mean a great deal for your career planning, so find out what you can expect at Murray State College.

Career Counselling

The school has campus employer recruitment for all the students.


Murray State College is located in Tishomingo, OK.

This school uses standardized test scores for admission.

The most recent data indicate that the freshman retention rate for Murray State College is 49%.

Contact Information

Murray State College,

One Murray Campus

Tishomingo, OK


580 387-7000

School Website

Data Source: IPEDS and Peterson's Databases © 2023 Peterson's LLC All rights reserved. Portions of this content were co-written with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.

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